As a ministry, we believe that the healing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ extends far beyond any one church or one denomination!  We know that the beautiful and transforming work of the Holy Spirit brings man into unity and dissolves division.  Therefore, as we recognize the existence of theological differences that separate the body into the various denominations, we would rather emphasize the common truths that bring together the Body of believers of Jesus Christ.  This is what we believe:

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  

No one comes to the Father except through Him.  [JOH 14:6]


Healing is a wonderful gift. But no gift is better than the giver.

Healing in and of itself is not the "end-game." Instead, it is a blessing that draws us into a deeper relationship with the Lord.


We have no power to heal. Only God can heal; it's His work.

However, all believers can/should pray for healing. Accepting that there is a degree of mystery in healing (God's way and God's timing [ISA 55:8-9] ), as we pray, we can/should expect healing to occur.  God's heart is to heal because of His great love. [MAT 7:9-11]


God can use anyone and anything for His purpose.

He can use prayer, miracles, signs and wonders, as well as medicine and the medical and counseling avenues. The human efforts of the medical and counseling profession don't stand against God's healing, but rather align as possible vehicles for God's healing to be administered.


Yes, God heals today!

His healing comes to transform our lives in the area of our physical, emotional, spiritual condition(s) and/or deliverance from evil spirits. He heals as an expression of His love and his relationship with us as our Savior. He wants so much for us to live better than just coping with the effects of living in a fallen world that's filled with pain, sin and death. Simply knowing where we're going to end up after we die is so far from God's heart and intentions for us. He has healing and freedom for us TODAY!