
Do you want to be well?

Do you want to be well?

"I am too broken, I have sinned too much ~ how can I be made whole again? Where do I even begin?"

We have had countless clients come through our doors with these kinds of questions. Some are filled with shame because they have too many hurts and labeled as "too much to handle" by society. And with years of rejection and despair, they've lost sight of who they really are in Christ and believe the lie that they have become SHAMEFUL."

The good and great news is that He invites us to draw near to Him no matter where we've wandered off to, no matter the pit we find ourselves in. Though we are dark, we are lovely. Song of Songs 1:5. Many forget that Jesus came to save the sick and lost, not to condemn but to deliver us from darkness and bring us into His Kingdom of grace.